Week Four: Immersed in Collaboration and Delving Deeper into IHC

Greetings, dear readers! Join me as I recount the exciting events of my Week 4, filled with collaboration, scientific pursuits, and delightful weekend adventures. Let’s dive right in!

The week commenced with the highly anticipated Post Endo Adrenal Collaboration Day for A^5. A^5, which stands for American Australian Asian Adrenal Alliance, is an international adrenal research collaboration group initiated by the Adrenal Research wing here at the University of Michigan. This day marked the culmination of the collaborative efforts between several labs from UofM and labs across these continents.

The timing of this day was particularly significant, as it followed the annual conference of the Endocrinology Society. It provided an opportunity for researchers to gather and engage in personal discussions about their adrenal gland research. I had the privilege of listening to approximately 15 experts from different parts of the world present their studies. What struck me the most was the openness of the discussions. After each presentation, participants freely voiced objections and engaged in lively debates, sometimes becoming heated. However, it was heartwarming to witness the camaraderie and partnership that prevailed despite differing opinions. The sense of friendship among these strongly opinionated scientists left a lasting impression on me.

The remainder of the week was dedicated to advancing my skills in Immunohistochemistry (IHC). As I focused on the protocol, performing more IHC on abnormal CPA (cortisol-producing adenome) tissues, my understanding deepened. This method would be the cornerstone of my project, and I was committed to becoming thorough and proficient in its execution. Step by step, I honed my techniques, recognizing the importance of precision and attention to detail.

Amidst my scientific pursuits, a moment of joy arrived when I received delightful news: the tissue samples crucial to my project were set to arrive the following week. This news brought a surge of excitement, knowing that these samples would propel my research forward, unlocking new insights into the adrenal gland.

As the weekend approached, I embraced a well-deserved break. I indulged in outdoor adventure, kayaking along the scenic Huron River with my friends. The tranquility of the water and the beauty of nature provided a refreshing escape from the lab.

Continuing my culinary exploration journey, I treated myself to a delectable dinner at an Italian restaurant. I savored a delightful combination of flavors, relishing Greek pizza and lasagna. The exquisite cuisine added a touch of indulgence to my weekend, satisfying both my taste buds and my desire for cultural experiences.

With a sense of fulfillment and renewed energy, I looked forward to the upcoming week, brimming with opportunities for research and personal growth.

Stay tuned for more scientific endeavors and exciting adventures in the weeks ahead!

Until next time,


Selfie at the end of Post Endo Collaboration Day!

Me at the IHC hood!

Huron River for Kayaking!

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