Week Six: Explorations, Potluck Delights, and Personal Challenges

Greetings, dear readers! Join me as I recount the memorable events and personal reflections of my sixth week on this extraordinary journey. Let’s dive right in!

The week began with a delightful long weekend, offering a well-deserved break from the lab. On Saturday, I embarked on a leisurely walk around town, immersing myself in the surroundings and exploring new sights. The following day, I joined my colleagues for an exhilarating adventure at an indoor rock climbing arena. Scaling the walls and conquering challenges together fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment.

Monday was a day of rest, allowing me to recharge and rejuvenate. However, Tuesday brought a special occasion – the 4th of July. To celebrate this patriotic holiday, my colleagues and I organized a potluck at my house. It was a multicultural feast, as we brought together diverse cuisines from our respective regions. From Puerto Rican and Korean dishes to Indian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern delicacies, the dining table became a fusion of flavors and cultural experiences. Sharing this meal with my colleagues, each representing a different corner of the world, reinforced the spirit of unity and appreciation for our shared journey.

With Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday comprising a short working week, I focused on advancing my research. I dedicated these days to performing the HSD3B2 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on the 24 ACTH-dependent samples. HSD3B2 serves as a marker for the zona fasciculata tissues of the adrenal cortex, which are responsible for cortisol production. Given that these samples are from patients with Cushing’s disease (hypercortisolism), understanding the expression of HSD3B2 in these tissues is crucial. On Friday, we conclude the adrenal bootcamp with an “adrenal gland jeopardy”. I proud to announce that my team won the jeopardy with lots of gifts.

As the week unfolded, I pondered whether to share an additional aspect of my current life. Moving to the United States and living on my own for the first time has been a challenging transition. Having spent the first 19 years of my life in India, where living with parents is the norm, and then living on campus at Juniata, adjusting to independent living at the age of 21 is overwhelming. Managing responsibilities such as paying bills, purchasing groceries, and cooking every alternate day proved to be a daunting task. The silence and solitude of returning to an empty house initially felt devastating. However, as time passed, I gradually grew more comfortable with solitude, learning to appreciate the independence and self-reliance that came with it. This summer has undoubtedly been a period of growth and personal challenges, marking my journey towards adulthood.

As I bid farewell to this eventful week, filled with both scientific pursuits and personal reflections, I eagerly anticipate what lies ahead. Join me in the coming weeks as we delve deeper into the fascinating world of adrenal research, uncovering new discoveries, and embracing the transformative journey of self-discovery.

Until next time, my fellow adventurers!

Warm regards,


Me rock climbing (I am the one on top)!

Potluck at my house!!

Gift from adrenal jeopardy!!!

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